Sherman Park Campus

3737 N Sherman Blvd

Gather with us on Sundays

10am service

Fostering diverse community

In 2015 a vision began to emerge of what it would look like to add a third campus on Milwaukee’s northside with a goal of fostering a diverse community. A launch team was formed and in August of 2016—after many faith-filled months of searching for a location—the Northside Campus held its first service at Barack Obama High School. The people of the Northside Campus quickly became a tight-knit community and in 2020 found a permanent home for worship in Milwaukee’s Sherman Park neighborhood becoming our Sherman Park Campus.

Join us on Sunday

Welcome to Epikos Sherman Park, a warm and close-knit campus located on the northside of the city. Worship with us every Sunday for live music, an engaging message, and activities for kids. Coffee and tea are also provided before service. Explore volunteer opportunities with community partners including StreetLife and Safe & Sound, both serving local Milwaukee neighborhoods.


3737 N Sherman Blvd
Milwaukee, WI 53216


Our Sherman Park Campus has a parking lot right on the corner of Sherman Blvd and Roosevelt Dr. There is also ample street parking available on all side streets surrounding the campus. 

For those with mobility concerns, we have a handicap accessible driveway and elevator on the south side of the building. Please note that there is no parking along the side driveway, but there are a number of handicap parking spaces in our parking lot. Guests are encouraged to drop off friends and family needing to use the elevator, and then park in one of the designated parking spaces in our lot.



The two closest Milwaukee bus routes to our Sherman Park Campus are the BlueLine and Route 30.

Anthony Caples

Sherman Park Campus Pastor

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What to expect

From Sunday morning worship to Small Groups and beyond, we're here to help you know and follow Jesus.


Meaningful worship

Our one-hour service includes prayer, music, and a relevant, Bible-based sermon. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, our weekly service will help grow your faith.


Weekly connection

Our Epikos Groups help you develop deep friendships with people who attend your campus. Prayer, study, and simply spending time together are the foundations of our weekly group meetings.


Personal growth

Studying God's Word will transform your life. Grow closer to God and discover how to use your time and talents to serve others.


Church unity

Multiple campuses allow us to grow big and stay small. Every campus has the same Sunday sermon, and Epikos Groups meet weekly throughout the year to discuss the sermon, pray, and build community.

Upcoming campus events