We will continue to sink our roots deeper and build up God's kingdom in Milwaukee
Support the InitiativeTwo and a half years ago...
we boldly stepped out in faith asking the Lord to provide as we looked to find a permanent home for our Sherman Park Campus and expand to a fourth campus—Mayfair Road.
One church.
Multiple locations.
East Side
Mayfair Road
Sherman Park
West Allis
Many joined with us in giving sacrificially
As we began a three-year campaign to raise the funds needed to purchase and renovate two new buildings, many generously contributed their time, finances, and expertise towards our initial push.

Thanks to those who have already given, we've been able to...
donated to date
with a current forecast of
at campaign end
Establish Sherman Park + Mayfair Road Campuses
- Purchase buildings to secure permanent homes for both Campuses to facilitate our mission of making more and better disciples throughout the city of Milwaukee and the metropolitan area
- Overhaul the atmosphere of the worship centers which included new audio, video, and lighting to create a modern worship experience
- Expand the lobbies to welcome new people through our doors and foster long-lasting, gospel-centered relationships
- Create safe and fun children’s ministry environments so kids can experience Jesus—since launching, we’ve seen an average weekly attendance of 73 children between both campuses
- Foster relationships with roughly 450 individuals and families through the Mayfair Road Food Pantry
- Utilize the buildings to grow and develop over 50 Small Groups and host weekly Small Group meetings at both campuses
East Side + West Allis Campus Improvements
- Enhance the East Side Campus cafe, restrooms, kids area, and offices, install new signage, and upgrade video production
- Upgrade the West Allis Campus broadcast system, reinforce roof and exterior brick, and install new signage
donated to date
with a current forecast of
at campaign end
Our goal is to raise an additional $400k
to bring us to $2.1M at campaign end
An additional $400k will allow us to make some much-needed improvements:
- Updated student wing at the West Allis Campus
- Boiler replacement at the Mayfair Road Campus
- Urgent roof and exterior repairs at multiple campuses
- Remaining funding will be put towards paying off our short-term construction loan
Will you help us finish strong?
Here’s how you can be a part of this final year stretch
Step 1 – Consider your involvement
Prayerfully consider and discern how God is calling you to invest in this campaign over the next year.
If you’d like to give a one-time gift, you can select any of the giving methods below for more details on how to give.
If you’d like to make a recurring gift, we encourage you to first fill out a pledge* and then select your preferred giving method below for more details.
*Please note that pledges are not necessary to set up recurring gifts, but they help us to forecast where we’ll end up at the end of the campaign.
Step 1 – Choose how you want to give
There are a variety of ways you can choose to give—details for each are listed below.
Credit card or EFT (electronic fund transfer)
Visit giverooted.epikos.org. Enter gift amount. Select gift type (one-time or recurring). If recurring, choose frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.) and start date. Choose fund (Rooted and Built Up). Click next and follow the instructions given in the donation portal. You can also provide a one-time gift by texting “epikosrooted” to 77977.
Please denote Rooted + Built Up in the memo line. Place in the mail, offering bucket, or black boxes at your campus.
Enclose in giving envelope and check “Rooted + Built Up Initiative”. Place in the offering bucket or black boxes at your campus on Sunday. If you would like your cash gift to be applied to a committed pledge or to receive a tax-deductible statement, please ensure your personal information is included on the envelope.
Non-cash (property or equity)
To make a non-cash investment, please contact Michael Morgan, Executive Pastor, at michael@epikos.org