Live in community
Connect with others
Experience life change
Following Jesus is best done in community. We believe we were created for connection with God and each other. By fostering deep relationships with people from all backgrounds and experiences, we reflect a fuller picture of who God is to the world around us.
Our sacrificial love for one another sets us apart from the world around us. It’s in the giving of ourselves—our time, attention, skills, or finances—for each other that stands out in a world increasingly seeking to divide us by these very same values. Our diversity exemplifies how the gospel unites all of us under Christ.
Find your community
Epikos Kids
Our goal is to partner with families to help their kids know and love Jesus. Epikos Kids staff and volunteers are trustworthy and compassionate—and they’re all about creating a safe, welcoming, and faith-focused environment. Dragging your children to church will be a thing of the past. In fact, they may never want to leave!
Epikos Students
Friendship, faith, fun. Being a teenager is hard, and being a teenager of faith can be even harder. At Epikos Students, we’re committed to helping preteens and teens figure out how to fuse faith with their everyday lives.
Epikos Groups
Take the next step on your spiritual journey and grow your relationship with God and others. Joining a Group at Epikos is a way to be in community with other believers while studying God’s Word each week. Choose from a number of Groups available in and around Milwaukee.