Serve at Epikos

Be the hands and feet of Christ

Serve others with sacrificial love

Jesus did not come into this world to be served, but to serve others with self-sacrificial love. As we become more like Jesus and do as He did, we serve one another with this same sacrificial love. When we serve in this way, it is a powerful expression that brings about change within our hearts, our church, and in our neighborhoods. As we partner with God in serving others, we discover the purpose of the gifts He has given us.

Volunteer opportunities

If you want to grow in community, foster new relationships, and take an active role in making more and better disciples at Epikos, take a look at our different ministry teams below and see where you might fit.
Cleaning Team

The Cleaning Team helps Sunday attendees to feel welcome by ensuring the church buildings are clean and ready for use each week.

You might be right for the team if you..
  • Like to work behind the scenes
  • Love to work with your hands
  • Have a willingness to learn and adapt to the different needs of our facilities
Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • General cleaning of the campuses (Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, etc)
Time Commitment
  • 1–4 Sundays a month
  • 1 hr a week
Connections Team

The Connections team seeks to create an environment at our campuses where people feel welcomed, seen, and valued as they take their next step with Christ.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Love getting to meet new people
  • Have a warm and welcoming personality
  • Are a team player
  • Are able to adapt to what is needed for the day

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Help create a welcoming atmosphere by greeting people at the doors and in the lobby
  • Prepare coffee and other beverages and set up cafe spaces
  • Assemble weekly bulletins
  • Collect and sort offering

Time Commitment

1–2 Sundays a month
1.5–2 hrs on scheduled Sundays

Epikos Kids

Epikos Kids strives to partner with children and their families on the journey to knowing and following Jesus by offering gospel-centered programming and equipping families to talk about faith at home during the week.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Enjoy being around others—adults and kids! 
  • Love to talk about Jesus and see others experience Him
  • Are patient, kind, and like to have fun!

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Teach or assist in teaching weekly curriculum to children 
  • Foster meaningful connections with children and their families 
  • Ensure the safety of all by following policy and procedures
  • Work collaboratively with team members

Time Commitment

2–3 Sundays a month
1.5 hrs on Sundays
(Monthly or bi-weekly options available)

Epikos Students

Epikos Students helps students to better know and follow Jesus by creating space for students to have fun, learn how to read God’s Word, and love others well.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Are passionate about mentoring students
  • Love to have fun
  • Can eat pizza at least once a week
  • Spend consistent time in God’s Word, prayer, and community

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Lead or assist in leading a weekly student small group
  • Foster relationships with the parents/guardians of students in your group
  • Attend weekly ministry nights and special events
  • Spend quality time with students and other leaders outside of weekly meetings once a month

Time Commitment

2 hrs/week
Sunday Nights

Facilities Maintenance Team

The Facilities Maintenance Team helps the church to steward its resources by providing necessary maintenance, upkeep, and renovation to our campus buildings.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Like to work behind the scenes
  • Love working with your hands
  • Have a willingness to learn and adapt to the different needs that our facilities have. 
  • Have unique skills in the trades (a plus, but not required)

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Building repairs
  • Construction projects 
  • Painting, hanging shelves, general facilities tasks, etc.

Time Commitment

Highly flexible and can be any time length or frequency that fits your schedule

Groundskeeping Team

The Groundskeeping Team helps Sunday attendees to feel welcome by ensuring the grounds and exterior of the church buildings are well-groomed, tidy, and ready for use each week.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Like to work behind the scenes
  • Love working with your hands
  • Are comfortable with yard care equipment
  • Have a willingness to learn and adapt to the different needs of our facilities

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Lawn mowing
  • Weeding
  • Raking
  • Trash pickup
  • Snow shoveling

Time Commitment

1–4 Sundays a month
1 hr/week

Media Team

The Media Team serves the church by creating compelling content that tells the story of how God is at work in the people of Epikos.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Love helping to tell others stories
  • Are skilled in photography, videography, copywriting, or graphic design
  • Are eager to use your creative skills to craft high-quality content
Volunteer Responsibilities
  • Photographers/videographers – be available to capture imagery and footage at events (i.e. baptisms, child dedications, holiday services, etc.)
  • Designers – help with sermon slide creation and other miscellaneous design projects
  • Copywriters – various projects (event/newsletter emails, social media content, blog post editing, etc.) 
Time Commitment

Varies based on type of work and availability

Missions Prayer & Care Team

The Missions Prayer and Care Team supports local and global missionaries in making more and better disciples by providing emotional, spiritual, and physical care for their ministry needs.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Want to grow in prayer (or are a prayer warrior) specifically for the gospel to reach all nations
  • Want to care for our missionaries by writing notes and sending care packages
  • Are eager to learn about what it means to spread the gospel locally and to other cultures

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Meet once a month to hear updates on the missionaries we support
  • Spend time praying for local and global missionaries

Time Commitment

Meet with the team once a month

Musical Worship Team

The Musical Worship Team points those who attend Sunday service towards authentic engagement with Christ by leading gospel-centered worship.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Call Epikos home
  • Understand and agree with Epikos’s mission
  • Have experience serving on a worship team previously
  • Are proficient with an instrument or vocals
  • Have availability in your schedule to commit to practicing and preparing for Sunday service

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Practice and/or prepare for Sunday service
  • Serve for all services on the Sundays you are scheduled 
  • Prioritize serving on the worship team in your schedule

Time Commitment

1–3 Sundays a month
Thursday rehearsals from 7–9pm on weeks scheduled
Serve at all services for the Sundays scheduled

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team helps people to connect with God by walking alongside them in prayer.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Have compassion and empathy for the struggles of others
  • Are comfortable praying with and for people
  • Love God and love people
  • Sensitivity to how God is working and ability to translate that to prayer for others

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Pray with those seeking prayer after Sunday services
  • Lift up prayer requests shared on connect cards throughout the week

Time Commitment

1-2 Sundays a month
15-20 minutes after the services you’re scheduled for

Safety Team

The Safety Team helps the church to run smoothly on Sunday mornings by keeping the buildings and surrounding areas safe through close observation, special training, and quick response in emergencies.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Are willing to work behind the scenes
  • Have good observation skills
  • Have a desire to keep people safe and protected
  • Can respond quickly and calmly in emergency situations

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Provide a watchful presence during Sunday services
  • Issue commands to keep congregants safe during medical emergencies, fire emergencies, severe weather, etc.

Time Commitment

1–4 Sundays a month
2 hrs on Sunday

Small Group Leader

Small Group Leaders foster community in their intentional regularly-gathering groups, centered around growing in relationship with one another and being transformed through the study of Scripture as they trust Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what He did.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Love people
  • Want to help people study the Bible
  • Value hospitality and gathering people together
  • Desire to foster community at Epikos

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Weekly preparations to facilitate a conversation around the content of the group

  • Regular Sunday attendance
  • Regular engagement with the Discipleship Team and your campus pastor

Time Commitment

3 hrs a week for 12 weeks + training

Tech Team

The Tech Team helps attendees to experience a distraction-free worship service by ensuring all technology is running smoothly.

You might be right for the team if you…
  • Are comfortable around technology
  • Are eager to learn new things
  • Enjoy working with a team

Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Operate slides 
  • Adjust mic and media audio levels
  • Operate lighting

Time Commitment

1–3 Sundays a month
Every service on the Sundays you’re scheduled

Ready to take the next step?

Fill out a serving interest form. We promise, it’ll only take a minute!