Serve with a global partner
Help bring God’s Kingdom here on earth
Sharing God’s love in tangible ways far and wide
Make an impact across the world
Engaging in mission work is an opportunity to meet practical needs, build relationships, and show God’s love to people in other parts of the world.
Not only do we get to spread the good news and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives, but we also find ourselves changed as we share in the work God is doing across the globe.
Mission of Hope
Our global partner in the Dominican Republic
Support missions at Epikos
Be part of something bigger than yourself
Support our global missionary partners as a member of our Prayer and Care team.
Fund the work of our global partners and upcoming mission trips through financial gifts.
Share the hope of the gospel with others. Go on one of our upcoming short-term mission trips.
From Milwaukee to the mission field
Our current global missionary partners all began as members of the Epikos Church community.
Tom & Tanya Clyde
U.K., Ireland
The Clydes are starting a new gospel initiative in the U.K. and Ireland—through Converge—that partners with national leaders to create church planting and revitalization networks. They are excited to participate in this work to see movements of the gospel where there is currently not a gospel witness in every city and village in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.
Luke & Ellenie Hodgdon
Papua New Guinea
The Hodgdons work among the Konomala people of Papua New Guinea. Having learned their language and culture, they are now teaching and discipling their friends into maturity in Christ. They aim to plant and establish a mature church among their friends in Konomala.
Zach & Míša Harrod
Prague, Czech Republic
The Harrods are starting a new church planting initiative focused around “the table” to develop more disciples. Their aim is to see a table built (or a table set) in every neighborhood of Prague, creating a network of interconnected communities that make up a larger table, or a church. Míša also serves with a ministry helping victims of human trafficking.
Are you a missionary seeking support?
If you’re a current missionary looking for financial support, tell us about yourself by completing the form below. We’d love to hear more about your needs to see if we’d make a great match!