Baptism is the outward testimony of your inner transformation
Baptism is your opportunity to publicly declare your faith and commitment to following Jesus.
Proclaim your faith
If you believe baptism is the next step on your faith journey, we’d love to have you at our next baptism class.
How it works
Make a faith commitment
Because baptism is an outward expression of inner transformation, the first step is surrendering your life to Jesus and accepting His forgiveness for your sins.
Attend a baptism class
Confirm your decision to be baptized by attending our 45-minute baptism class. We’ll cover the meaning of baptism, as well as what to expect.
Get baptized
Your baptism celebration takes place at your campus during a regular Sunday service. Expect cheers and happy tears from your church family!
Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 6:3-4
Common questions
What is baptism?
Baptism is the way Christians publicly acknowledge their faith and declare their intent to follow Jesus. It’s an outward display of an internal transformation.
Why should I be baptized?
Based on what the Bible tells us, baptism is for those who want to:
- Follow the example of Jesus, His disciples, and the earliest followers of Christ.
- Publicly identify as a disciple or follower of Jesus.
- Profess their faith to your church community.
- Want support and accountability from their church family as they grow in faith.
If this sounds like you, take the next step by signing up for our baptism class.
What does baptism represent?
Baptism is a visual representation that identifies us with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. When you’re baptized, the act of being immersed in the water represents the death and burial of your old life. When you’re raised out of the water, it represents being raised back to life (Romans 6:3-4). Baptism also represents the idea of being made or washed clean (1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 5:26).
When should I be baptized?
Any believer who has made a faith commitment to Jesus Christ is encouraged to proclaim it publicly through baptism. There is no specific age, timeline, or even a waiting period to “prove” your faith. If you’ve committed your life to Christ and are ready to share it publicly, then the time is right for you!
Do I need to be baptized to be "saved"?
No! Baptism is simply an outward symbol of an inward commitment. It doesn’t “save you” from your sin. Instead it’s a way for you to publicly proclaim your faith to your community. God’s word assures us “it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
How is baptism performed?
At Epikos, we practice baptism by immersion. That means you’ll be fully submerged under the water and brought up again. We celebrate baptism multiple times a year in Sunday services and outside during the summer.
Do you baptize infants?
Because we believe salvation comes only by faith in Christ, and because Scripture demonstrates baptism after a person’s confession of faith, we choose not to baptize infants. At Epikos, we do perform child dedications to allow parents to publicly commit to raising their children in the ways of the Lord. To find out more about parent-child dedications, contact
I was baptized as an infant. Should I be baptized again?
If you have come to faith in Christ, we encourage you to take the public step of baptism, as demonstrated in scripture.
Can my elementary-age child be baptized?
Yes! We love it when children choose to be baptized after making a faith commitment to Jesus. We offer an age-appropriate baptism class for families with children ready to take this next step. To learn more, email