Thanksgiving Food Drive

Since we have been blessed, let us then bless others

The Goal

Since 2012, the food pantry has served the community by providing food assistance to those in need. Every Thanksgiving, the pantry has provided customers with some of the elements for their Thanksgiving meals. Through generous donations of food and funds, the pantry has been able to provide Thanksgiving turkeys and meals to those who need it. This year the pantry is expecting its largest need yet. We hope to provide turkeys and meals to all the customers who request a Thanksgiving meal this November. 

The Need

Below are the items needed to fill Thanksgiving Meal Boxes:

Canned Sweet Potato/Yams

Canned Cranberry Sauce (14 oz)

Canned Cream of Mushroom Soup

Crispy Fried Onion Topping

Jiffy Pie Crust Box

Canned Chicken Broth

Bag of Marshmallows

The Turkeys

To ensure every family in need gets a turkey for their family, we are working with our partners at local grocery stores to provide quality turkeys for our customers. The average cost of a turkey is between $25–$30. We are hoping to collect 200 turkeys this year. You can help us collect the turkeys by giving a tax-deductible donation to the food pantry.

Click on the link below and choose the Mayfair Road Food Pantry as the fund you wish to donate to to ensure families receive turkeys this year.

How to donate

All donations need to be in by November 17th

You can drop off your donation at the Mayfair Road Campus on Sundays from 8am–12pm or on Wednesdays from 9am–3pm. If you need assistance or have questions, email us at

Want to know more about the Mayfair Road Food Pantry?

The food pantry has been around since 2012 serving several local zip codes to help individuals and families with food assistance. The Mayfair Road Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 12–3pm and is located at 4515 N. Mayfair Rd. Wauwatosa, WI. 53226.

If you would like to give to the weekly food pantry or want more information on serving at the food pantry go to: