Jesus, The Jews and Rome

November 3, 2024

Series: Citizens

Book: Matthew


This week’s sermon by Pastor Mark Deering discusses a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus when he is confronted by the Pharisees and Herodians who try to trap him with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus masterfully navigates the political tension, telling them to “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Pastor Mark explains that this reveals an important principle about the cost of citizenship—whether in an earthly kingdom or the Kingdom of God. Just as the Israelites had to pay taxes to an oppressive Roman government, those who would be citizens of God’s Kingdom must be willing to sacrifice and give everything to Him. The sermon challenges us as listeners to examine where we struggle to fully trust and obey God, just as the Israelites did when paying taxes.