This week at Epikos Church, we celebrate 20 years of being a church! During this week’s message, Pastor Mark Deering walks through the past 20 years of the church, sharing stories of connection, growth, and life change from various people who call Epikos home.
Reflection Questions:
- What stuck out in today’s message? What did you find challenging and encouraging? Did you learn anything new?
- What are some of your memories of Epikos?
- Read Joshua 4:1–9, 20–24. What does the Lord tell Joshua and the people to do?
- What were the stones to represent?
- This comes after many years of wandering in the desert and before the Israelites enter the promised land. From the text, why do you think the Lord asks them to do this now?
- Pastor Mark emphasized that the act of remembering is fuel for continued faithfulness to a faithful God. How can remembering remind us to be faithful?
- What are some tangible reminders you have in your life that help you remember God’s faithfulness (e.g., people, places, objects, practices)?
- How does remembering God’s past work impact your faith and how you live today?
- How can we create a community culture of remembering and sharing the ways God has been faithful to us this Small Group season?
- A testimony is a way of sharing God’s faithfulness with others. Whether telling the story of your faith conversion or a current moment of God’s faithfulness, a testimony is a way of sharing a story that points to God’s work and transformation. Linked above in the downloads is a worksheet with a step-by-step process for writing your testimony. Take some time this week to fill out the worksheet and share what you notice with your group members.