In this week’s sermon, Pastor Mark discusses Epikos Church’s new mission and vision through the lens of the Great Commission from Matthew 28. He defines discipleship as a process of trusting in Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did, emphasizing that the church’s role is to equip and encourage people in this journey. The church’s new mission statement reflects these values, and their vision is to “reach every neighborhood to see the gospel redeem and renew lives,” highlighting their commitment to community, diversity, and spiritual growth. Pastor Mark uses the church’s demographic map as evidence of their ability to unite people across different backgrounds, underlining the transformative power of the gospel in bringing people together under Jesus.
Reflection Questions
- What stuck out in today’s message? What did you find challenging and encouraging? Did you learn anything new?
- What are some of the things that stand out to you about our new mission statement? (Equip and encourage all people to trust in Jesus, become like Jesus, and do as Jesus did.)
- Read Matthew 28:16–20. List out the commands that Jesus gives his disciples.
- Jesus begins by describing the authority given to him and ends by saying he would be with them. How do these two aspects shape your understanding of the commands he gives?
- The original word for “go” is an imperative verb close to “as you go”. Pastor Mark reworded this to “That the way we live should cause others to want to live the same way.” How does this change add to your understanding of Jesus’s command in these verses?
- List out the 5 “alls” in this passage. How does this list show the comprehensiveness of Jesus’s command?
- Our new mission defines a disciple as someone who trusts in Jesus, becomes like Jesus, and does as Jesus did. How does this fit your understanding of a disciple and how is it different?
- Your “neighborhood” extends beyond just where you live. It includes anywhere you do life—your home, workplace, and the place where you build relationships. That’s where we’re called to share the love of Christ. Who has God placed in your neighborhood that you can reach for Christ?
- What are the challenges we can have reaching our “neighborhood”? How can we overcome these challenges with God’s help?
- How can we encourage one another to “reach our neighborhoods”?